
vTrack 2.0 Changelog 11/2/2017

  • Availability calendar: can now create recurring appointments
  • MC IDs now set in vTrack only when insurance payment info recorded (during 835 import or when updating edit claim screen setting insurance line to Adjudicated)
  • After a claim is saved from edit claim there is now a hyperlink when returning to the claims list to quickly go back and edit the updated claim again
  • Client waivers are now checked during add claim and appt -> claim to set skip insurance and set DDD to Bill Next. There is also a waiver checkbox under the payment section on edit claim. Claims list can now be filtered by claims with Waivers as well.
  • TPL Claims can now be submitted within the app: click on Financials -> Submit TPL Claims
  • Bill Type category has been added to claims. Also can be set on the edit client screen and all claims for that client will default to the selected value. Claims list can also be filtered based on the Bill Type category.