Add appointment screen (the services dropdown will be filtered based on client authorizations and provider consumer tracking / disciplines). This should reduce the scheduling errors for provider appointments using an incorrect service Edit appointment screen (documentation templates are now filtered…
We have made changes to the calendar templates. There is a new date box next to the Parent/Guardian signature name box so the Parent/Guardian can enter what date they signed the form. There is also a new signature box for…
SOAP Template will now automatically be selected as the default choice for appointment documentation
Client Info -> Client Authorizations – The Auth Number now will link to the Prior Auth number listed/report on Edit Claim Calendar -> Add New Appointment and Edit Appointment – The appointment page is organized better (no functionality has been…
Can now change service code on edit appointment screen Admin can now edit templates via the Approval Report Link for add appointment removed for therapists (based on pref setting) Filters added to Approval Report
Inactive authorizations now can be assigned on edit claim screen Private authorizations now can be selected on the edit claim screen Deleting recurring appointments now prompts to delete all or just single appointment (deleting all will only delete appointments AFTER…
Availability calendar: can now create recurring appointments MC IDs now set in vTrack only when insurance payment info recorded (during 835 import or when updating edit claim screen setting insurance line to Adjudicated) After a claim is saved from edit…
SOAP template: O section replaced by progress/goals Aging Report now available by Insurance as well as by Client Waiver functionality in place: if DDD waiver set on client waiver tab insurances will get set to Do Not Bill and DDD…
Lock appts after claim created: update button removed for provider logins when appt are approved and converted to claims Calendar filter: filters remain on the screen now when selected Approval Report: added column Location Active Client List Report export: added…
Vichra now offering Claim Audits as a service Vichra now offering outsourcing billing / payroll as a service Email for all vTrack related requests The following fields have been added to the Active Provider List export: NPI # AHCCCS…